Team Talk Fun Games
We propose to conduct fun games around communication challenges. These allow the teams to bond while helping to be better communicators.
Communication has several aspects and therefore the games will focus on the different components of the communication:
- The words and the different concepts they can be associated with.
- The verbal and non verbal communication.
- The dialog in a team composed of various personalities.
Program Sequence
Step 1: Ice Breaking _ Quiz - Grouping
We structure the event around 3 games called “Mystery Escape”, “Smart People” and “Tangram”.
Step 2: Mystery Escape
The participants are divided in teams of 5 to 10. They have limited time to solve a mystery. Each participant has some unique information. This is not a game of chance.
The activity is designed in a way that everyone must participate and plays a role. To win everyone must communicate, listen, analyze.
Each participant has unique information allowing the team to progress: nobody knows everything but everyone knows something others don’t know.
This makes it a fantastic activity not to just to have fun but also to stress the important of team work.
Step 3: Smart People
The participants are divided in teams of 5 to 10.
Our activity has several steps, each one focusing on a different ability.
Each team is given a tablet that will provide instructions. It is also used to enter answers, to take photos or make videos.
The teams must find boards (positioned around the room, the campus,… ) used to activate the different sets of challenges, each with a different focus: analytical, observation, performance, creativity, etc.
The ‘winning team’ is the one that leverages best the different abilities (sometimes called ‘talent’) of its members and is a metaphor for a team superior performance when it does it in the workplace.
Step 3: Excuse My French
Imagine that you must give instructions to someone in a language you do not know and he does not know either.
Yet, you have little time to complete the task as you compete with other teams.
The task is a Tangram.
The objective is to form a specific shape using all the pieces, which may not overlap. But we add complexity to the rules by forcing the participants to interact using a language they discover with the challenge.
Guaranteed fun while developing greater awareness about the power and impact of non-verbal communications.